
Suspect Entry 5

Looking at chapter 5 for guidelines, create a dialogue in response to the following situtaion. Imagine a short conversation between a grandparent and their grandchild about social media/the internet/being "connected". Emphasize a difference in opinion. Note, the form of your answer is as important as the content. really look at the 'page layout' of chapter 5. Add a little introduction, describing where the characters are situated. Include adverbs tand vary your verbs in order to insist about the style and tone of the conversation. Try and create 2 characters who are really very different (so we can hear the ddifferences in their voices). Here's some extra advice Five rules for punctuating a dialogue. Writers' Digest.

Suspect N°1 : Entry 4

Write an email  (in your journal) to Simon Duke. - Introduce yourself (age, family details/nationalities, languages spoken, hobbies) - if you like reading - what do you normally read etc - if you like writing - do you ever write fiction, poems, songs... - how much you have read of Suspect so far - your initial reactions Bring all your journal work to class on Tuesday

Suspect N°1 = Chapter 3

Read this definition of ' NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION " Create a list of 5 instances of non-verbal communication given in chapter 3. Note which emotions they are expressing. Write a short scenario wherein your central character is expressing one emotion through non-verbal communication (eg: he is nervous / she is happy / he is thinking / he is angry / she is impatient.

Simulation de Parlement Européen

If you are interested, please contact me by gmail or on Entea. Les 14 et 15 avril 2018, Les Jeunes Européens - Strasbourg organiseront leur troisième Simulation de Parlement européen .  L'objectif est d'attirer l'attention et l'intérêt d'un public jeune (de 16 à 30 ans), parfois éloigné des questions européennes.  Notre volonté est de permettre à une centaine de jeunes strasbourgeois de mieux appréhender les enjeux et l'impact de l'Union Européenne dans leur quotidien en devenant, le temps d'un week-end, député européen.  Vous trouverez ci-joint le dossier de présentation de l'événement avec toutes les informations et le détail de l'organisation.  Veuillez aussi trouver l'événement Facebook de la Simulation : https://

Saki "The Lumber Room"

(                                                « The Lumber Room » – Saki Take the necessary time to write paragraph-length answers to the following 3 questions (plus to draw the tapestry!). 1.     Describe your opinion of Nicolas and his vision of himself and the world. In doing so, give at least two examples of how Nicolas manages to outwit his aunt. Describe and analyse these examples. 2.     What are we meant to think of the aunt, her single-mindedness, and her lack of imagination? For example, consider why the aunt sent the children, but not Nicolas, to Jagborough. 3.     Draw the tapestry found in the lumber room. Then, in writing, explore what the various parts of the tapestry symbolise. 4.     What do you think Saki was trying to say about childhood and the power of the imagination? As we continue our analysis of this short story, we can consider how Saki used the following literary techniques: Plot, third person

The Landlady

Task: 1. Copy and paste this document into a Word file. 2. Write both an introduction and a conclusion. 3. Save as an rtf. file and email me at 4. In the object line write: your names + landlady The Landlady: Our Class Essay. Introduction -           Introduce author and short story -           Provide a basic outline of the story, pulling that description towards your essay question -           Give your essay question -           Give a roadmap, outlining key points of paper in order.           The Landlady is a complex character who is both nice and deadly. At first, Billy Weaver thought the landlady was nice: “She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes” (l.22). Here, Billy seems to be describing her as a doll instead of an old woman.   Moreover, she was always “smiling at him” (l.112) which shows her kindness. He also said that she “had quite obviously a kind generous soul” (l.163) and that gave him a good impress

Suspect N°1: Chapters 1 + 2

Suspect N°1 by Simon Duke Our Project . 1.      Read and analyse Simon Duke’s French/English short novel: Suspect N°1 2.      Email Simon Duke a series of 10 questions about his novel and his writing process. 3.      With his answers, and in pairs, create a ‘book review’ in the style of a magazine article. 4.      Choose the ‘best 3 reviews’ and send them to Simon Duke to judge. 5.      Organise a Skype session during which Simon Duke announces which reviews he preferred and why. Grade: Ability to work on a project in English: 10 points Reading Journal: 20 points Book Review: 20 points Bac Blanc: 20 points. Reading Journa l In total, there are 15 chapters. Please keep your journal entries in a neat and professional manner. Task for Chapter 1: Write 50 words describing a scene that you observe. Start with an emotion. Note, on page 5, Duke’s narrator begins “Feeling a little envious, I watch…. “ Also, describe Sheldon Black, using both th