
Showing posts from April, 2018

Suspect N°1 : Entry 4

Write an email  (in your journal) to Simon Duke. - Introduce yourself (age, family details/nationalities, languages spoken, hobbies) - if you like reading - what do you normally read etc - if you like writing - do you ever write fiction, poems, songs... - how much you have read of Suspect so far - your initial reactions Bring all your journal work to class on Tuesday

Suspect N°1 = Chapter 3

Read this definition of ' NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION " Create a list of 5 instances of non-verbal communication given in chapter 3. Note which emotions they are expressing. Write a short scenario wherein your central character is expressing one emotion through non-verbal communication (eg: he is nervous / she is happy / he is thinking / he is angry / she is impatient.