Oscar Wilde WebQuest


1. open a Word document. Write your names at the top of the page and then save the document as your names. eg: JohnJamesCathy.rtf
2. Copy and paste the information below onto the Word document.
3. Answer the questions quickly and efficiently.
4. Email me your finished document before 12h.
5. Ideally, also type up your CAE essay plan and email me that work too...

Oscar Wilde Webquest

Following this link : https://www.biography.com/people/oscar-wilde-9531078

1. Briefly describe Oscar Wilde's parents :

2. Briefly describe Oscar Wilde's childhood :

3. After gradating from Oxford, he went on an American tour and so met many famous poets. Of which of the poets did he say the following:

'There is no one in this wide great world of America whom I love and honor so much,'

4. Find a poem written by that poet. Copy and paste and extract of the poem. What do you think of the poem? Do you like it?

5. Who did Oscar Wilde marry and what did he do with Lady's World ?

6. How did critics first react to his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray ?

7. Describe a little of the saga between, Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde and the Marquis of Queensberry?

8. When did Wilde live in France… and did he have a good time here?

9. What happened on November 30, 1900 ?

10. Find a couple of images of Oscar Wilde to decorate your page.

Email it to me... then watch the trailer for a film version of the Picture of Dorian Gray.


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